Named one of TIME’s 50 Best Websites, Weebly has an easy, drag & drop interface to create your own website. It’s free, powerful, and professional.
Create a free website and a free blog
In the past couple of weeks, Weebly has launched several exciting new features.
New Features – Weebly for iPhone & New Themes
New Weebly for iPhone lets users post to their blogs and manage sites on the go. The drag and drop interface makes it easy to craft posts and instantly share them on FaceBook and Twitter with just one click. You can find out more or download the app here
Also freshly released are 25 brand new, modern themes. There’s a wide range of different styles from minimalist to elegant to colorful. These new updates allow Weebly users a greater degree of flexibility and creativity. Read More.
Create a Free Class Website
Weebly is perfect for creating classroom websites, student portfolios, and sites for assignments and projects. The drag & drop website editor is stunningly simple to use, and appropriate for use with students of all ages and grade levels.
Create a free website for your classroom with Weebly!
Using Weebly for Your Real Estate Website
In the past, Real Estate agents have often had to rely on third party providers for their websites. No longer! Weebly’s easy to use drag and drop website editor lets Real Estate Agents take control of their housing inventory and put up new listings on their own schedule rather than waiting on the whims and timetables of a third party provider. Weebly provides hundreds of professional themes to choose from.
Create your free Real Estate website with Weebly!
Create a free website and a free blog