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The Sleep Apnea Exercise Program provides you with oral exercises that will help cure sleep apnea!

Exercises That Are Proven to Cure Sleep Apnea

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The vast majority of people with sleep apnea suffer from what’s called “obstructive sleep apnea”, or OSA (a small percentage of people have “central sleep apnea”. Central sleep apnea is very different from OSA, and is caused by neurological factors. I’ll be talking only about obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA, here).

When obstructive sleep apnea occurs, the tissues in your upper throat relax and collapse together while you’re sleeping. This blocks the air’s passage temporarily.

Here’s how it happens while you’re asleep:

* Travelling to the lungs, the air will make its journey via the nose, mouth and throat (all known as the ‘upper airway’)

* Normally the rear of a person’s throat is soft and naturally falls inward when the person breathes.

* Muscles in the throat will be working against the collapse, trying to maintain an open airway.

* When the tissues at the rear of the throat collapse and become temporarily blocked off, apnea will happen and the person’s breathing is halted (“apnea” is a Greek word that means “cessation of breath”).

* Apnea can also occur if a person has a tongue that is too thick, or a soft palate (the back part of the top of your throat) that is flabby.

There’s also a connection with snoring here. Flabby tissues in the mouth and throat not only collapse when you fall asleep. They also VIBRATE – which is what causes snoring.

So the key to conquering obstructive sleep apnea (and snoring) is to have STRONG muscles to keep your throat open while you sleep – muscles in your throat, tongue and soft palate.

There are sleep apnea treatments that don’t involve putting equipment on your face, going under the knife, or other drastic measures.

These treatments are proven to cure (or significantly reduce) sleep apnea – but many doctors don’t recommend them

The exercises in my program have been proven in scientific studies to cure (or at least significantly reduce) sleep apnea.

The program was developed in cooperation with speech language pathologists and other health professionals.

Sleep apnea is a chronic health condition that can ultimately kill a person if not treated.

Are you sick and tired of using equipment to relieve their sleep apnea ? looking for an easy, proven cure for sleep apnea ?

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